03:30 PM BST, United States - Dallas Fed Mfg Business Index for September:

  • actual  -9.0 vs expected; - 10.3; previous -9.7;


The index is still in negative territory whihc showcases contraction territory. Texas manufacturing activity showed a slight decline in September, according to the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey. The production index dropped to -3.2, indicating a modest decrease in output. While most manufacturing activity measures were negative, labor market indicators suggested some employment growth. Price and wage pressures remained moderate, and expectations for future manufacturing activity were positive.

  • The production index fell to -3.2, signaling a slight decline in output from August.
  • Labor market measures showed some employment growth, with the employment index rising to 2.9.
  • Future expectations remain solid, with the future production index reaching its highest level since early 2022 at 35.2.