01:30 PM BST, United States - Employment Data:

  • Initial Jobless Claims: actual 218K; forecast 224K; previous 222K;

01:30 PM BST, United States - Durable Goods for August:

  • Core Durable Goods Orders: actual 0.5% MoM; forecast 0.1% MoM; previous -0.1% MoM;

  • Durable Goods Orders: actual 0.0% MoM; forecast -2.8% MoM; previous 9.9% MoM;

01:30 PM BST, United States - Goods Orders Non Defense Ex Air for August:

  • actual 0.2% MoM; forecast 0.0% MoM; previous -0.2% MoM;

Following the data release, US dollar appreciates againts euro. Fewer than expected jobless claims and core durable goods orders escaping the red are both in favor of the Fed's optimistic narrative on US economy. Overall goods orders remain unchanged, although defying negative forcasts.


Source: xStation5