Broker ReviewsScore

1.63 /10


Effective Supervisor 0
Recently Exposure 0

Official website

Founded At 2021
Accounts -
MT4/5 full license No
Listed Yes
Negative Equity Yes
Tel -


Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is the German financial supervisory authority, which is supervised by the German Federal Ministry of Finance. It is an independent federal agency with headquarters in Bonn and Frankfurt. The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority supervises 2,700 banks, 800 financial service institutions and more than 700 insurance businesses. The German Federal Financial Supervisory Agency was established on May 1, 2002. It is a comprehensive financial regulatory agency that supervises all financial markets in Germany.

Type Common Financial Service License
Country Germany
Code 118252
Share Yes
Company 360 Treasury Systems AG
Effective time -
Expiration -
Email -
Website -
Address GrüneburGweG 16 - 18 (WesTend Carrée) 60322 FrankFurT aM Main DeuTschland

