Izabella Kaminska

Izabella Kaminska

Articles: 7
Subscribers: 0

A quiet revolution rocks central banking 

There’s a quiet revolution happening at the heart of central banking. On the surface, the inconspicu...

8 months ago

Court dismisses traders’ appeal to overturn convictions for rate rigging

LONDON — Britain's Court of Appeal on Wednesday dismissed an attempt by two former traders to overturn their convictions for interest rate rigging in the lead up to the global financial crisis in 2008.Tom Hayes, a former Libor trader at Swiss bank UBS, wa...

6 months ago

The dirty little secret no politician will admit: There is no way to ‘go for growth’

Investment professionals and politicians who spurned Liz Truss's “go for growth” strategy for the British economy are slowly waking up to an uncomfortable truth.The former U.K. Prime Minister's plan, which relied on unfunded tax cuts that were perceived t...

2 months ago

Donald Tusk’s battle to oust Polish central bank boss hits hurdle 

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's bid to get rid of the country's central bank chief has run into trouble. Poland's top constitutional court ruled Tuesday that a parliamentary effort to try the governor of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński, be...

1 month ago

Secretive Draghi is echoing Soviet Union restructuring

Izabella Kaminska is senior finance editor at POLITICO Europe.For most of the past year, the big brain of Mario Draghi — Europe’s supreme technocrat — has been holed up in Brussels at the behest of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, draft...

1 month ago

Mystery creator of Bitcoin identified, new HBO documentary claims

LONDON — A new HBO documentary claims to have cracked the true identity of the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. If its findings are widely accepted, the disclosure could send shockwaves through world financial markets and even the U.S. p...

1 week ago

Bitcoin creator is Peter Todd, HBO film says

LONDON — A new HBO documentary identifies Canadian developer Peter Todd as Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous founder of cryptocurrency bitcoin.Cullen Hoback, the award-winning filmmaker behind the documentary, comes to the conclusion by stitching togethe...

1 week ago