Paula Andrés

Paula Andrés

Articles: 6
Subscribers: 0

Protesting farmers share table with EU leaders

Farmers who descended on Brussels to disrupt a leaders' summit finally got their moment with senior...

8 months ago

Intensive pig farming hogs scarce water in drought-hit Catalonia

BARCELONA — In the region of Osona, to the north of Barcelona, there are seven times as many pigs as people.Hectares of pig farms — long, barrack-like brick buildings with half-closed windows — stretch from the roadside into the distance. Metal cylinders...

6 months ago

Europe’s farmers revel in affection despite Green Deal clash

BRUSSELS — If love is a drug, the farmers of the European Union should be as high as kites.After years of being elbowed to the sidelines of political debate, recent farmer protests have made agriculture almost sexy. So chic, in fact, that its practitioner...

5 months ago

Von der Leyen’s farm dialogue buys time — but not answers to rural crisis

BRUSSELS — “Urban-rural divide? Which divide?” Peter Meedendorp, president of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), jokes from his Brussels office. On the other side of the screen Ariel Brunner, director of green NGO BirdLife Europe, joins our cal...

2 months ago

The plan to save European farming

BRUSSELS — Business as usual is no longer an option for European farmers and businesses if climate collapse and economic hardship are to be avoided.That’s the top line of a joint report presented to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on We...

1 month ago

Center right gets its way as golden boy Hansen lands EU farm job

BRUSSELS — Christophe Hansen, Ursula von der Leyen’s choice for EU agriculture and food commissioner, embodies her plan to make peace with restive farmers battered by the pandemic, war in Ukraine and a changing climate.The center-right politician from Lux...

3 weeks ago