Aparna Iyer

Aparna Iyer

Articles: 17
Subscribers: 0

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | RBI Monetary Policy: The elephant has left the room

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

6 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Deluded expectations

Dear Reader,A popular trading philosophy is to buy on rumours and sell on confirmation. If we scour through past market cycles, short or long, we can find innumerable moments where indices run up ahead of quarterly earnings and then just dissipate once th...

6 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Is RBI the champion of customers?

Dear Reader,How far will a regulator go in protecting the end consumer of financial services, specifically, banking services? All the way till the end, is what the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has demonstrated so far.The past few years has been exciting if...

5 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Growing bread and butter

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

5 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | RBI fortifies the banking system, but at a cost

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

2 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Infosys and the unease of doing business

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

2 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | The unbearable weight of food inflation

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

2 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Of pivots, and the price of faith

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

2 months ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | The stories we tell ourselves

Dear Reader,Forecasting is a booming business, and it wears a credibility cloak by using hard data. Every day we are bombarded with projections whether it is about stock valuations, economic growth or when and how hard Mother Nature would hit us with her...

1 month ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Some investing lessons we learn, some we forget

Dear Reader,It is said that Nature measures progress or success through how a species learns and evolves. Learnings are perfected and passed on from generation to generation. In exact sciences too such as physics once a theory is debunked, it never makes...

1 month ago

How private lenders are winning the margin game

HighlightsSpread between weighted average lending rate and deposit rate has widened for private sector banksPublic sector banks have seen spreads narrow as they hiked deposit rates faster, also lost deposit market sharePrivate sector banks have been more...

1 month ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Stock market investment is a game of probabilities

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

1 month ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | When nudge becomes shove

Dear Reader, The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep t...

1 month ago

Moneycontrol Pro Panorama | Careful what you wish for

Dear Reader,The Panorama newsletter is sent to Moneycontrol Pro subscribers on market days. It offers easy access to stories published on Moneycontrol Pro and gives a little extra by setting out a context or an event or trend that investors should keep tr...

3 weeks ago