Marcus Ashworth

Marcus Ashworth

Articles: 6
Subscribers: 0

Central bankers should retire the 2 percent inflation target

With the end of great inflation scare in sight, it's time the central bank hive mind contemplated what it might learn from the failure of its economic models.The most obvious lesson: Steering multitrillion-dollar economies to land with laser precision ont...

5 months ago

Bank of England should tailgate the ECB, not the Fed

The Bank of England's policy meeting on Thursday is unlikely to deliver any change in monetary policy — but that doesn't make it unimportant. Policymakers are likely to prepare the ground for a 25 basis-point cut from 5.25 percent at their June 20 meeting...

5 months ago

Bank of England summons up the courage to cut

Confidence has broken out within the halls of the Bank of England: It’s decided to back its own forecasts — for once. A 25 basis point cut to 5% in its official rate Thursday was a close call, with a 5-4 split. It’s a lucky break for the new Labour govern...

2 months ago

Global Currencies: King dollar's softening is good news for nearly everyone

Has the tide turned decisively against King Dollar?  A fall of around 5% in the greenback versus major currencies in the past two months, pushing the dollar index to a 13-month low, suggests its post-pandemic surge has meaningfully faltered.This comes han...

1 month ago

For ECB rate cutters, the music is as important as the words

There aren't many sure things in life, but a second interest-rate cut from the European Central Bank Thursday is one of them. A 25 basis point reduction in its deposit rate to 3.5% is fully priced in by traders, and a plethora of Governing Council members...

1 month ago

On interest rate cuts, BOE and ECB should learn not to fight the Fed

It’s rare you get a clean take from central bankers, but Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee didn’t mince his words on Monday. He said interest rates need to be lowered “significantly” to protect the US labor market and economy. He a...

3 weeks ago