Rohit Kapoor

Rohit Kapoor

Articles: 2
Subscribers: 0

Delivery Diaries: Diversity tadka in Indian F&B — a brilliant interplay of local and global flavours

To paraphrase a Shakespearean phrase, Indian food habits can’t be “cabined, cribbed, or confined” to a few statistical generalisations. Very often one hears about Indian consumer’s predilection towards certain flavours, and aversion to others. In my exper...

2 months ago

Delivery Diaries: Pan-India sugar craving with a preference for mithai from other regions

There are certain facts that don’t need statistical validation. India’s status as world’s largest consumer of sugar is one such example. But even in its inevitability, the number that as a country we consume, around 30 million metric tons of sugar every y...

2 days ago