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  • Euro/dollar volatility drops aggressively

  • Volatility in commodities increases a tad, apart from oil

  • S&P 500 and Nikkei 225 indices’ volatility jumps

Euro/dollar volatility has eased further over the past week as the market is feeling more relaxed after Le Pen’s far-right party failed spectacularly to win the highest number of seats in the second round of the French parliamentary election.

Similarly, volatility in yen crosses has dropped a bit as the weaker US data prints have provided some breathing space to the ailing yen, ahead of the BoJ’s consultations with key bond players regarding its bond programme tapering decision.

In the meantime, volatility in both gold and silver has increased a bit on the back of another weekly jump in prices, especially in the case of silver. Having said that, the election of an Iranian reformist president could be one of the reasons for the small drop in oil price volatility, which signals a lower possibility for stronger movements ahead.

Stock indices' volatility has increased, especially in the case of the S&P 500 index, as the market welcomed last week's weaker US data releases and the revitalized expectations for a rate cut by the Fed soon.

Finally, the continued weakness in Bitcoin price has pushed volatility in the king of cryptos to the highest level of the past 30 days.