Solitics, a household name that rose to prominence for its state-of-the-art customer engagement technology, is set to reshape the way online brokers, prop firms, and banks engage clients. For good.

From client onboarding to lead nurturing, marketing, reactivation and everything else in between, Solitics’ value proposition for financial services industry players promotes a unified approach to marketing automation management. Its customer engagement solution substantially increases trading platform usage among customers and grows user value while eliminating operational hurdles and maximising their speed-to-market.

Starting from the premise that “Data is at the heart of marketing”, Solitics prioritises “hyperpersonalisation”. In the dynamic realm of online trading, live charts and personalised alerts reign supreme. This is where Solitics’ hyperpersonalisation comes into its own, empowering brokers to leverage real-time analytics on their portfolio’s risk level, price fluctuations and market updates affecting their clients’ traded assets to craft personalised pop-ups and alerts.

Thanks to its unique architecture underpinned by a powerful underlying CDP (Customer Data Platform) technology, Solitics’ Customer Engagement solution not only simplifies marketing operations end-to-end by throwing automation into the mix, it opens new avenues for retention and conversion professionals. Equipped with a gamification layer, the platform supports widgets and visual aids, allowing brokers to create a lasting experience for their traders.

Referring to hyperpersonalisation as “the heart of everything we do”, Solitics Founder and CEO Tomer Baumel highlighted the importance of “connecting with your customers at a deeper level by reaching them where they are.”

“Whether they are first-time visitors or existing customers, Solitics gives you the right tools to make their experience truly great.”

Winning Clients Over With A Gamified Approach

Gamification has been around for over a decade, however, online trading industry players have only just made timid steps towards gamification through prop trading, as a new way to engage traders. But how can marketing and conversion teams leverage gamification to increase engagement? Solitics has the answer.

With a decade of hands-on experience in the fintech space, the agile technology provider understands the importance of customer engagement through intelligent marketing techniques. Its customer engagement platform leverages gamification to help brokers, prop firms, and banks to help deliver unique customer experiences and generate engagement through storytelling.

Empowering brokers to unlock the benefits of storytelling by utilising embedded visual elements, such as top traded assets’ progress, smart financial reports comparison, personalised pop-ups, and other customisable, gamified widgets that can “tell the story” of an asset in the blink of an eye.

“In an increasingly dynamic trading world, it is vital for brokers to be able to arm traders with the nuggets of information they need to navigate the ins and outs of trading the financial markets with confidence. This is exactly where Solitics really shines,” Deena Komisar, Solitics VP of Marketing highlighted.

Thanks to its advanced algorithm, the platform collects data relating to user activity in real time and furnishes invaluable customer-specific insights. All this combined with Solitics’ ability to connect to external data sources, such as experts analytics, breaking news, and insights on investment opportunities empowers marketing and sales professionals to send targeted offers to these users, in a variety of formats – pop-ups, emails, instant messaging, and others.

From an operational perspective, this significantly simplifies the day-to-day of marketing professionals, enabling them to map out entire customer journeys, mix, match, and adapt as they go along. In Deena Komisar’s words, “the unknown becomes known, giving marketers the laser focus to convert potential visitors into leads, and paying customers into savvy and loyal traders.”

What’s In It For Admin Professionals?

In addition to simplifying marketing operations, Solitics’ customer engagement platform relieves compliance and back-office professionals of the pressure of cumbersome KYC, and trade reporting.

Fully GDPR- compliant, the platform’s Reporting Module provides all the data needed to navigate the complexities of their day-to-day- from granular reports to detailed financials, and more. Moreover, know-your-client (KYC) process automation and triggering in response to user action or inaction makes the overall verification procedure more transparent and straightforward.

No Development. Shorter Time-to-market!

IT professionals can benefit significantly with Solitics. Market players interested in integrating the customer engagement platform can easily do so by providing their API keys to the Solitics technical team. No development, no complex coding required. The best part? The platform comes with a 45-day commitment, allowing brokers to get up and running in a matter of weeks, not months. Furthermore, Solitics remains committed to delivering the best experience to its clients.

A dedicated customer success team will assist the broker’s in-house marketing and product teams every step of the way – from onboarding to implementing marketing campaigns and journeys. Numbers speak for themselves.

Recent customer reviews rank Solitics as a technology provider of choice, with 98% of the customer engagement platform users citing “ease of use” as the strongest point. At the same time, 93% of users said they would recommend Solitics, particularly for the high “quality of support”.

With a powerful all-around solution that streamlines the entire business cycle, from client onboarding to marketing and retention, and compliance to reporting, Solitics stands out as a technology provider of choice for financial institutions of all sizes.

By prioritising customer loyalty and enhanced user experience through technology enablement, Solitics empowers businesses to create meaningful connections with their clients and deliver unique and engaging experiences that drive conversion and retention.

Contact Solitics to learn more about its customer engagement platform and see first-hand how it can help your business reach new heights.