TAG: Anti-money laundering

France steps up efforts to lure post-Brexit financial jobs to Paris

PARIS — As he flies to New York Friday to convince Wall Street firms to invest in Paris, French Fina...

8 months ago

UK slams MEPs for saying Gibraltar is undermining Russian sanctions — and calling it a ‘colony’

STRASBOURG — Britain reacted with fury after European lawmakers accused Gibraltar of making it easy for Russia to exploit sanctions loopholes and branded the territory a "colony."The spat, just the latest chapter in the centuries-old saga of the tiny Medi...

5 months ago

How dirty Russian money taught Latvia to get serious on sanctions

RIGA — When your most important ally swoops in and closes your third-largest bank while calling it a “money laundering institution,” it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.That’s exactly what Latvia did when confronted by the U.S. Treasury Depa...

4 months ago

You cannot be serious! Europe’s next migration chief was a tennis hotshot

BRUSSELS — Magnus Brunner, selected as the next European commissioner for migration, is so good at tennis he once beat a future U.S. Open champion.“He was a tough opponent, and he always made life difficult for me on the court,” Julian Knowle, who won the...

3 weeks ago

Italy, Germany, Netherlands short-listed for top job running EU dirty money watchdog

BRUSSELS — Italy, Germany and the Netherlands are on the short list for an EU top job running the bloc’s new anti-money laundering body, according to multiple officials.Italy’s Bruna Szego, Germany’s Marcus Pleyer, and Jan Reinder De Carpentier of the Net...

1 day ago