TAG: Dairy

Dutch farmers back Wilders as centrist nightmares come true

Geert Wilders is everything European centrists loathe. Now, the far-right Dutch firebrand is winning over the farmers Brussels has spent decades trying to placate. Wilders — who stood on an anti-migrant, Euroskeptic platform and has previously called for...

6 months ago

New EU rules to curb deforestation add to farmers’ red tape woes

For months, European farmers have been protesting what they see as excessive red tape and environmental restrictions from Brussels. Soon, they’ll have even more forms to fill out. Under new EU rules set to apply from January, European farmers will be requ...

6 months ago

The EU says it wants food security. It really wants exports.

BRUSSELS — Food security: It’s the new slogan dominating European farming. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has pinned it at the top of her agricultural agenda, promising European lawmakers that she would ensure it in her second term. Th...

2 months ago

The plan to save European farming

BRUSSELS — Business as usual is no longer an option for European farmers and businesses if climate collapse and economic hardship are to be avoided.That’s the top line of a joint report presented to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on We...

1 month ago

UK accused of stifling legal challenge to Australia trade deal

LONDON — On a high after Labour’s knock-out victory over the Tories at July’s general election, newly elected Environment Secretary Steve Reed made a bold promise he may now come to regret.“We will stop farmers ever again being undercut by dodgy Tory trad...

1 week ago