TAG: Farmer protest

Dutch farmers back Wilders as centrist nightmares come true

Geert Wilders is everything European centrists loathe. Now, the far-right Dutch firebrand is winning over the farmers Brussels has spent decades trying to placate. Wilders — who stood on an anti-migrant, Euroskeptic platform and has previously called for...

6 months ago

EU takes the ax to green farming rules

The European Commission is finalizing a series of legislative proposals that would severely weaken environmental requirements for farmers — flying in the face of advice by its top scientists that agriculture must become more sustainable or it will be deci...

6 months ago

New EU rules to curb deforestation add to farmers’ red tape woes

For months, European farmers have been protesting what they see as excessive red tape and environmental restrictions from Brussels. Soon, they’ll have even more forms to fill out. Under new EU rules set to apply from January, European farmers will be requ...

6 months ago

Europe’s farmers revel in affection despite Green Deal clash

BRUSSELS — If love is a drug, the farmers of the European Union should be as high as kites.After years of being elbowed to the sidelines of political debate, recent farmer protests have made agriculture almost sexy. So chic, in fact, that its practitioner...

5 months ago

Whatever happened to the climate kids? 

Five years ago, hundreds of thousands of students walked out of their schools in a coordinated global “strike” to demand climate action — and turned the 2019 EU election into a triumph for the Greens. This month’s vote was different. Green parties crashed...

2 months ago

Von der Leyen’s first 100 days: What she’s promised, what it means and what she’ll really deliver

Ever since U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt referred to his “first 100 days” as a key milestone way back in 1933, global leaders have referenced the occasion to promise electrifying changes to their electorate.Now it’s Ursula von der Leyen’s turn....

3 weeks ago