TAG: Financial Services

Macron vows more liberal reforms to shake France’s economy

PARIS — Emmanuel Macron might be tacking right on social issues; on economics he's going back to his...

8 months ago

UK and Switzerland strike ‘first of its kind’ financial services deal

LONDON — The U.K. and Switzerland have signed a financial services deal described as the “first of i...

8 months ago

Ursula’s empty green Davos promise

Almost a year ago to the day, Ursula von der Leyen traveled to the snowy environs of Davos to make a...

8 months ago

The City of London rejects its latest Brexit benefit

LONDON ― It should be a dream Brexit scenario for the City of London: a chance to break away from the EU and move closer to the U.S.The square mile has been offered the opportunity to modernize with New York and immediately reap the benefits of a faster-m...

6 months ago

The EU has a €30 billion hidden fees problem

Last year, European consumers and businesses lost €30 billion to hidden fees when sending and spending money internationally. And it is only getting worse, in 2019 it was €22 billion. But there is an easy way to crack down on these hidden charges: taking...

6 months ago

EU announces deal with Andorra and San Marino – just don’t mention finance

European microstates Andorra and San Marino are to get expanded access to the EU's single market — but their important financial sectors are to be excluded for now.Once ratified, the "association agreement" will allow the two tiny nations a similar level...

4 months ago

Maltese central bank governor, deputy PM face charges in snowballing corruption case

Malta's political elite is facing a reckoning as a long-running investigation into alleged corruption under former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat comes to a head.Central Bank of Malta Governor Edward Scicluna and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, who both...

4 months ago

The green leftie lawmaker taking on Europe’s economy

BRUSSELS ― If lobbyists and the finance industry were hoping for a more malleable chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs — well, they just had their hopes dashed. For the next five years, ECON will be led by the Fren...

2 months ago

Why your coffee got so damn expensive

Life used to be so simple. And cheap.Remember the good old days when you could pop into your local café for an espresso for just €1? Italians do. In Rome or Milan or Naples, the morning ritual would see workers hurry into their neighborhood bar and gulp d...

2 months ago

The European Commission hopefuls with one thing on their mind

BRUSSELS ― It’s as if the European Commission is a trendy nightclub with a long line of eager party animals desperate to be admitted.Only a handful will get the chance to strut their stuff the way they crave. And that means a place in the Commission for t...

1 month ago

The enigmatic Irishman hoping to appeal to von der Leyen’s quiet side

BRUSSELS ― Ask around in Dublin and Brussels about the man the Irish government has chosen to send to the EU, and you won’t return much the wiser.Following the clubbable ebullience of Phil Hogan and then the personable dynamism of Mairead McGuinness, Dubl...

1 month ago

Von der Leyen set to reward France with bigger EU top job after Breton’s exit, French officials say

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron is negotiating a powerful, wide-ranging competitiveness portfolio within the European Commission for his new commissioner-designate Stéphane Séjourné ahead of Tuesday's announcement by Ursula von der Leyen.The Fren...

4 weeks ago

France mourns its loss of influence in von der Leyen’s new Commission

BRUSSELS — Emmanuel Macron's clout on the European stage just isn't what it used to be.One day after now-former French Commissioner Thierry Breton resigned in a huff, five French officials bemoaned a loss of influence for Paris in Brussels after Ursula vo...

4 weeks ago

Financial services role goes to Albuquerque ― but she brings baggage

BRUSSELS ― Maria Luís Albuquerque, who has been selected to oversee financial services in the new European Commission, has a mixed reputation at home.The Portuguese lawmaker was a surprise victor in the brawl for the role, seeing off competition from fina...

3 weeks ago