TAG: emissions reduction target

2023: The year in figures and charts

2023 was marked by crisis, transition and conflict.As the war in Ukraine dragged into its second yea...

8 months ago

How a climate U-turn broke the Scottish government

It was meant to make Scotland a green world leader.But the country’s ambitious climate targets — and the Edinburgh government’s failure to keep up with them — triggered the break-up of the country's governing coalition and left the ruling Scottish Nationa...

5 months ago

UK’s climate plan ruled unlawful (again)

LONDON — The government’s plans for hitting climate goals have been ruled unlawful in the High Court for a second time.The High Court judgment, published Friday morning, upheld four of the five legal challenges brought by campaign groups Friends of the Ea...

5 months ago

Whatever happened to the climate kids? 

Five years ago, hundreds of thousands of students walked out of their schools in a coordinated global “strike” to demand climate action — and turned the 2019 EU election into a triumph for the Greens. This month’s vote was different. Green parties crashed...

2 months ago